Saturday, November 29, 2008

Lunge 21 - The End

What were your favorite modules in the program?
I liked writing in my blog. Podcasts were interesting. YouTube has so many things on it that I didn't expect to find there. I liked the photos sites. It's hard to say what my favourite modules were as I think I found something interesting in all the modules. I've learnt that there is so much more on the web than I could ever have imagined.
What technology did you find most interesting for your personal use?
I think YouTube is great. I've searched for videos from Bollywood films several times since I did that module. Facebook is interesting too.
What technology did you think would most be useful professionally for RMIT University Library?
We already use Blogs in the library. When we trialed the Mobile Loans Service at Swanston Library, a Blog was created for people to voice their opinions about this new mode of service. I didn't create any posts myself but did read what other people had to say. I think it was a useful tool for obtaining constructive feedback about the new service.
Social bookmarking I think would be very useful in libraries.
Professional networking groups come to mind. Document Services is undertaking a Thesis digitisation project of theses published before 2006. We need to contact the authors to ask for permission to put their work on the ADT. Finding current contact details may be a challenge. One of my colleagues suggested that Professional Networking sites may be a way to contact
If I had to chose one that I thought would be most useful professionally I would say RSS feeds as it keeps you up to date and up to date information is important for libraries.
Were there any unexpected Web 2.0 modules that really surprised you i.e. that you really didn't know anything about or expect?
Web 3.0 surprised me the most as it got me thinking of Robots and Artificial Intelligence. Taking things out of human hands and leaving it up to the smart computer. Maybe with Web 3.0 the world will be run my computers!
What could be done differently to improve this program’s format or concept?
Maybe at the end there could be a brief overview of each technology.
I'm glad I did the programme. I feel like I have learnt a lot. I will go back and use some of these technologies both professionally and personally.

Lunge 20

The Semantic Web.....
I found a great video on RomBlog that describes the Semantic Web well. It seems to be a way of computers making it easier for us to find the information we want. As someone who works in a library this could only be a good thing.
It's about computers understanding what the information on the web means.
The video on RomBlog says Web 3.0 is already happening to some extent. As it is already happening to some degree and I'd like to think that anything is possible it probably will be developed further.

Lunge 19

I thought this was supposed to be fun! That was quite a challenge!
I couldn't find "Today's Tags" only found "Popular Tags". Had a bit of difficulty figuring out how to add places, eventually I figured it out though. I got a bit carried away with making a best of list, I so do like making lists. I really need a rest now!
Here's the link to one of my goals:
This goal is learning to speak Hindi. I love all things Indian and when I go to India I want to get the most out of the trip. I think being able to speak Hindi would make the experience so much more special.
I've created a delicious link to my 43 Things profile.

Lunge 18

Google Talk
I had a look at Google Talk. Had a few problems. I added my brother to chat with and we tried using the same computer to chat but in different browsers, I think this may have stopped us from being able to chat or talk to each other. This message kept coming up: "You cannot call because ivan.zovko is using chat in Gmail or another chat program other than Google Talk." I assume these types of technologies weren't made to talk to people on the same computer, that makes sense! I did send him a message in chat though and a voicemail which he received in his Inbox.
I'd heard of Skype before. I think it's great that these technologies exist. Being able to talk to people in other parts of the world without racking up huge telephone bills is useful. This technology certainly has a use in libraries as Deakin University has demonstrated.

Lunge 17

I wasn't able to find the East Timor University Library group but I did manage to find the web-2-melbourne group. There are only 13 members and there are only two messages. This group doesn't seem to have taken off. I had a look for some Vegan related groups and some of them had a lot of activity. I think this is a Web 2.0 technology that could be used in the library, we could have an RMIT Library group.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Lunge 16

I sent a Sclipo video on how to draw eyes to the School of Arts Liaison Librarian.

This is a link to the Vegan Food mashup:
I like this site because its brings together a whole lot of Vegan recipes in the one place, mainly from a lot of blogs.
Advantages of mashingup.....
You get a whole lot of sources on the one topic in the one place. Great! This means I don't have to search for each site separately.

Lunge 15

I searched for India and found many beautiful photographs. A great source for amazing photos.